Care to make a cash donation?
You can donate online securely using PayPal and your debit/credit card.
(You don't need a PayPal account!)
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VENMO account acct. = @PBCMotorcyclistsInc-ToysforTot acct. = $T4TPBCMI |
Have you and/or your organization collected toys for the kids?
Want to know where to take them?
The United States Marine Corps. Toys For Tots program has established drop off points for you to drop your toys you have collected.
We here at Bill's Bikes Toy Run are a drop location. You are welcome to bring your collected toys to our event and we will
deliver them to the USMC Toys For Tots program for distribution.
Please bring toys to WPB Harley Event Sunday Dec. 13th !!
IMPORTANT! Please do not call us for toys. We do not distribute toys to children. The Marines do that!
Please Click Here
for the USMC info on a location near you, here in Palm Beach County!
Feb. 10, 2025 4:47 AM EST
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